Monthly Archives: May 2013

Protocolo, Sci-Fi Short From Mexico (Trailer)

Check out this trailer for Protocolo (Protocol) a short film about a malfunctioning “American-Chinese Cloning Company” machine. The film was made by Rodrigo Hernández as his film school senior project. He is working on a feature-length film based on the short’s premise.

Hernández will be presenting his short this weekend at SciFi London.

Source: El Economista


Filed under Movies, Sci-fi Conventions & Fan Events

The 2nd Horseman, Science Fiction Action Film from Peru

the2ndhorsemanPeruvian director Arthur Cross is currently developing his debut feature film The 2nd Horseman. The movie was filmed in the deserts of Peru, specifically in Chilca, a region with a history of alleged UFO sightings *cue X-Files music*.

The 2nd Horseman’s plot revolves around Serah, a woman who disappeared in the local Quarantine Zone and reappeared a year later with a message of hope or doom (or both). The Second Horseman Special Operations Unit mercenaries must face an armed cult to prevent them from using Serah to usher in the End of Days. In the Bible, the Second Horseman (the red horse) represents war, so that should reinforce your sense of where the plot is going.

In an interview on Peruvian television, Arthur Cross and assistant director Nathiel Farfán discuss production of their independent film, and how excited they are about producing a science fiction film in their country. Cross mentions that the Quarantine Zone is forbidden because of temporal/space anomalies, and that the Horseman Unit originally protected the scientists that go into that area.

Cross is an enthusiastic fan of science fiction and action films, and was particularly inspired by military sci-fi and Michael Bay films for The 2nd Horseman.

Most of the cast is from Peru, except the Russian lead, Irina Prischepa. From the humorous “Making Of” it seems she speaks perfect Spanish. She is a dancer, and if Summer Glau (River of Serenity) is any indication, choosing a dancer as an action hero is a great decision.

The 2nd Horseman release date is estimated for March 2014.

Film Website

Film Facebook Page

Here is the trailer in English (the actual film is in Spanish):

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